1993 issue 3


Volume 2, issue 3

Wokół ustawy

The use commitment in psychiatry (in the light of the Law in force and the project of the Mental Health Act)

1. Izby Karnej Sądu Najwyższego w Warszawie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1993, 2, 311-316
Keywords: civil commitment (involuntary confinement) in psychiatry, Mental Health Act


The author – who is the Supreme Court judge – points out inadequacy of the current legislation on involuntary confinement (civil commitment) in psychiatry. The need for statutory regulations in this respect is emphasized. Detailed provisions proposed in the project of the Mental Health Act are discussed. (Eds.)

Address for correspondence:
Dr Lech K. Paprzycki, Sąd Najwyższy, Izba Karna, ul. O grodowa 6, 00-958 Warszawa