1996 suplement 1


Volume 5, suplement 1

Original article

Psychogeriatry in the curricula for teaching family medicine

1. Katedry i II Kliniki Chorób Psychicznych AM w Gdańsku
2. Katedry i Zakładu Medycyny Rodzinnej AM w Gdańsku
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1996, 5, suplement 1 (3), 101-106
Keywords: psychogeriatry, family medicine


The authors stipulate that more attention should be devoted to the issues of psychogeriatry both in the curriculum of undergraduate medical studies and in the postgraduate training of family doctors. They argue that such changes are needed in view of the ageing of the population in Poland and the modification of the health care model in our country.

Address for correspondence:
Prof. Adam Bilikiewicz,
II Klinika Chorób Psychicznych AM,
ul. Srebrniki l, 80-282 Gdańsk