1998 suplement 3


Volume 7, suplement 3

Original article

The Regional Forensic Psychiatry Centre: Organizational and therapeutic premises

1. Kliniki Psychiatrii Sądowej IPiN w Pruszkowie
2. Wojewódzkiego Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w Gostyninie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1998, 7, suplement 3 (8), 75-81
Keywords: forensic psychiatry ward, security measures


The author presents the architectural, functional and organizational structure and technical security measures of the Regional Forensic Psychiatry Centre in Gostynin, the first Polish maximal security facility for the criminal detention of extremely dangerous patients. Procedures regulating admission to and discharge from this type of centre are presented and therapeutic programmes are outlined.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Leszek Ciszewski, Klinika Psychiatrii Sądowej IPiN,
ul. Partyzantów 2/4,
05-802 Pruszków