2000 suplement 2


Volume 9, suplement 2

On the cover

Characteristic features of personality disorders and female crime in Lithuania

1. Litewskiej Państwowej Służby Psychiatrii i NarkologiiSądowejprzy Ministerstwie Ochrony Zdrowia w Wilnie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2000, 9, suplement 2(10), 275-277
Keywords: homicide, women, personality disorders, accountability


Personality disorder was diagnosedin 41 cases (39%) of women referred by the court for forensic psychiatric observation. 73% of all patients at the Department of Forensic Psychiatrywere referred because of aggressive acts, mainlymurder of family members. None of the patients inthe present study had limited accountability butsome had reactive disorders and were not examineduntil their health improved. The most frequentlydiagnosed personality disorder was emotionalinstability and the most typical motives werejealousy and revenge. Because the social consequencesare so severe, further studies of personalitydisorders in women are needed.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Konstantinas Dakeviius, National Ser vice oj Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology in Lithuania, Kijelaviciaus 121, 2048 Vilnius