1993 issue 3


Volume 2, issue 3

Zagadnienia seksuologii

Treatment of the battered child syndrome (BCS): problems and methods

1. Oddziału Chirurgii Dziecięcej Szpitala Bielańskiego w Warszawie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1993, 2, 191-196
Keywords: battered child syndrome, sexual abuse of the child, treatment


The following issues are discussed in the paper: problems of the BCS treatment from the perspective of the victim, perpetrators and therapists; goals and methods of BCS treatment exemplified by particular cases; the current status of therapeutic services in Poland. Although there has been a substantial improvement of relevant theoretical knowledge, nevertheless due to scarcity of specialists, facilities, and professional training courses, virtually neither perpetrators nor victims of the BCS can receive the help they need.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Danuta Lew-Starowicz, Szpital Bielański,
Oddział Chirurgii Dziecięcej,
ul. Cegłowska 80,01-809 Warszawa.