1994 issue 1


Volume 3, issue 1

Zagadnienia organizacyjne

Cost-effectiveness analysis of non-hospital psychiatric care (US experiences)

1. Zespołu Leczenia Domowego, IV Klinika IPiN, Szpital Bródnowski
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1994, 3, 89-96
Keywords: community care, economic effectiveness


The paper presents an overview of American studies of economic effectiveness (cost – gain) of alternative forms of psychiatric care. General methodological problems in studies comparing community care with traditional forms of treatment are outlined, which is followed by three clear examples of community care cost-effectiveness analysis. In the final part of the paper the problem of cost evaluation of various forms of treatment in Poland are discussed.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Katarzyna Herczyńska,
Zespół Leczenia Domowego Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego,
ul. Suwalska 11, Warszawa