1994 issue 2


Volume 3, issue 2

Choroby kręgosłupa i rdzenia kręgowego

Advances in the diagnosis of spine and spinal cord injuries in the light of MRI examination

1. Pracowni Rezonansu Magnetycznego IPiN w Warszawie i Stołecznego Centrum Rehabilitacji w Konstancinie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1994, 3, 185-188
Keywords: spine and spinal cord injury, diagnostics, MRI


MRI, the new method of imaging, provides entirely novel, hitherto unknown diagnostic possibilities, especially regarding the CNS. MRI may be used to diagnose, among others, also posttraumatic changes of the spine and spinal cord. This statement is fully confirmed by research findings based on the clinical material from the STOCER Centre in Konstancin. MRI allows to detect a number of abnormalities (e.g. hemorrhagic and ischaemic foci in the spinal cord) which have been so far undetectable with such method as myelography. Moreover, MRI provides data concerning the time of onset of pathological changes and their strict localization. It allows also to assess the scope of changes and their dynamics. It should be noted that this method is absolutely safe, non-invasive, and that results of MRI examination often may determine the course of subsequent treatment. The paper presents clinical data obtained from a group of 26 patients after an injury of the cervical segment of the spine with a concurrent spinal cord damage.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Janusz Bronarski,
Pracownia Rezonansu Magnetycznego IPiN,
Al. Sobieskiego 1/9,
02-957 Warszawa