1994 issue 2


Volume 3, issue 2

Farmakoterapia neurologiczna

Current problems of Parkinson's disease pharmacotherapy

Włodzimierz Kuran1
1. Kliniki Diagnostyki i Terapii Chorób Układu Nerwowego IPiN w Warszawie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1994, 3, 139-147
Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, pharmacotherapy


In the first part of the paper pathophysiology of parkinsonism is briefly outlined, and various groups of antiparkinsonic pharmaceuticals are presented in the chronological order of their introduction to clinical practice. Then, current possibilities of Parkinson's disease treatment are discussed, with a detailed description of dopaminergic drugs and various methods of their administration, especially in later stages of the disease. Some hypotheses on Parkinson's disease etiology are overviewed, with the emphasis on importance of MAO-B and possible neuroprotective action of its inhibitors. The last part of the paper is devoted to the state-of-the-art directions of research, which may bring about a significant improvement of therapeutic effects.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Włodzimierz Kuran,
Klinika Diagnostyki i Terapii Chorób Układu Nerwowego IPiN,
Al. Sobieskiego 1/9,
02-957 Warszawa