1994 issue 2


Volume 3, issue 2

Choroby kręgosłupa i rdzenia kręgowego

Spine and spinal cord injuries in the cervical segment – changes in myelography and MRI imaging

1. Stołecznego Zespołu Rehabilitacji w Konstancinie i Pracowni Rezonansu Magnetycznego IPiN w Warszawie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1994, 3, 189-196
Keywords: spine and spinal cord (cervical segment) trauma, diagnostics, myelography, MRI


Since the installation of first MRI apparatus in Poland new perspectives of more and more precise diagnostics have opened. This method due to its advantages (non-invasiveness, and high resolution of imaging) is useful, above all, in the diagnostics of the CNS diseases (neoplasms, hematomas, etc.), including also these of the spinal cord. It is possible for the first time to receive directly images of post-traumatic both early and late pathological changes within the spine. Hitherto used diagnostic methods based on the contrastive examination of the vertebral canal provide no such possibility. Consequently, a question arises of what value is myelography now as compared to MRI? In the paper an attempt was made to compare the two methods usefulness for the diagnostics of post-traumatic changes within cervical spine and spinal cord, on the grounds of clinical data from the STOCER (City Rehabilitation Center) in Konstancin.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Elżbieta Woźniak,
Stołeczne Centrum Rehabilitacji,
ul. Wierzejewskiego 12,
05-510 Konstancin