Volume 6, suplement 1
Reviev article
Views on the significance of results of supplementary examinations of the brain and their contribution to the accountability appraisal
1. Kliniki Psychiatrii Sądowej IPiN w Pruszkowie
2. I Kliniki Psychiatrycznej IPiN w Warszawie
Keywords: EEG, diagnostic neuroimaging, forensic psychiatric opinion, accountability appraisal
The paper presents a review of the literature on the role of supplementary investigations of the brain in forensic psychiatric opinions. The majority of publications represent the standpoint that in the appraisal of accountability such data have an auxiliary role and should be interpreted in a close connection with the perpetrator's clinical status. It is not always the case in the practice of pronouncing expert opinions, which is exemplified by two forensic psychiatric opinions enclosed.
Address for correspondence:
Dr Danuta Hajdukiewicz,
Klinika Psychiatrii Sądowej IPiN,
ul. Partyzantów 2/4,
05-802 Pruszków