1998 suplement 1


Volume 7, suplement 1


Medical problems of elderly patients with neoplastic diseases

1. Kliniki Radioterapii PAM w Szczecinie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1998, 7, suplement 1 (6), 75-77
Keywords: neoplastic diseases, old age


Elderly patients suffering from a neoplastic disease are in a particular plight. Their psychological situation due to the diagnosed malicious disease is extremely difficult. Diagnostic examinations and treatment are very invasive, and therefore these patients need not only a special approach, hut also in their case some changes should be introduced and the most appropriate treatment based on clinical research should be worked out.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Alina Jarema, Klinika Radioterapii P AM,
ul. Strzałowska 7, 71-658 Szczecin