1999 issue 1


Volume 8, issue 1


Psychological functioning impairment after surgical revascularization of the cardiac muscle

1. Specjalistycznego Zespołu Psychiatrycznej Opieki Zdrowotnej we Wrocławiu
2. Katedra i Klinika Psychiatrii Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu
Postęp Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1999, 8, 103-112
Keywords: depression, anxiety, heart revascularization


An overview is presented of studiespublished in the past decade, on changes of psychologicalfunctioning in patients after surgical treatmentof the ischaemic heart disease. An impairmentof mental status after surgical cardiac revascularizationby means of coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) was found in about 25% of cases. Amongpsychopathological symptoms depression and anxietypredominated. The most frequently described predictorsidentifying patients from the high-risk grouppre-operatively are the following: depression,anxiety, female gender, lack of social support, a lowsocioeconomic status, and a weak mechanism ofrepression. It is believed that high-risk individualsmay be offered a prevention program in the form ofpsychological assistance to facilitate their recoveryto fully adequate psychosocial functioning.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Joanna Rymaszewska, Specjalistyczny Zespól Psychiatrycznej Opieki Zdrowotnej,
Wybrzeże J. Conrada-Korzeniowskiego 18,50-226 Wrocław