Interrelations betweenfebrile seizures and epilepsy are among crucial and most controversialissues in the contemporary epileptology. Febrileseizures belong to the most frequent paroxysmaldisorders in children. In the 1990s some elementsof their pathogenesis were explained. Genetic andenvironmental factors are considered to affect theonset of febrile seizures. The locus of the mutationresponsible for febrile seizures was found in recentyears and a few syndromes related to their concurrencewith epilepsy in the family were described.Epilepsy is present in 4 to 7% children with febrileseizures, more often if the latter are complex and oflong duration. The author's research findings indicatethat in the case of simple febrile seizures riskfactors are different than in complex ones. Partialepilepsy is more frequent in children with febrileseizures in history, particularly in those with theconvulsive state and delayed psychomotor development.Among 194 patients studied, partial temporal epilepsy was diagnosed in 8 cases with complexfebrile seizures. In that number in 2 cases hippocampalsclerosis was found. The author presents dataindicating a connection between long-lasting febrileseizures, hippocampal atrophy and temporal epilepsy.In such cases surgical treatment is requiredand datafrom the literature suggest that the prognosisis particularly good.