The aim of the study was to compare subjective and objective evaluation (using the Van Putten and Naber scales, respectively) of pharmacological treatment effectiveness and quality of life in patients treated for schizophrenia. 105 patients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia participated in the study. On the grounds of the patients' subjective evaluation of first effects of medication they were divided into two groups: with either dysphoric (D) or positive (P) attitude towards pharmacotherapy (47% and 53% of patients, respectively). There were no intergroup differences in schizophrenia symptoms intensity prior to treatment. On treatment completion in group D positive symptoms of schizophrenia were found to be more pronounced. Quality of life was evaluated similarly in both groups. The quality of life ratings were positively correlated with evaluation of pharmacotherapy on the Naber scale. No significant differences in clinical improvement were noted between groups D and P post-treatment, but clinical improvement was correlated with a better evaluation of pharmacotherapy on the Van Putten scale. The two groups did not differ either in pre- or in post-treatment intensity of side effects of neuroleptics. However, after treatment a correlation was found between side effects intensity and attitude towards pharmacotherapy assessed using the Van Putten scale. In the opinion of family members, patients assessed pharmacotherapy outcome better on treatment completion than they did after the first week of treatment. Their assessment was not related to schizophrenic symptoms intensity, but was' correlated with the patients' subjective evaluation of pharmacotherapy after treatment.