2000 suplement 1


Volume 9, suplement 1

On the cover

A psychological evaluation of the factors which interfere with the free taking and expression of will by testators

1. Kliniki Psychiatrii Sądowej IPiN w Pruszkowie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2000, 9, suplement 1(9), 79-84
Keywords: psychology in civillaw, expert psychological opinions in testamentary lawsuits


The legitimateness, purpose andscope of the forensic psychological opinion in civillawsuits concerning validity of statement of will,including validity of wills, are analysed. Theauthors compare the criteria for mental capacity for informed and free taking and expression of will, laid out in appropriate acts of parliament,with the criteria adopted in such cases by forensicpsychiatrists and they analyse the possible role of psychological expertise in the indication of suchcriteria, their definition and negotiation betweenthe court and experts called in to evaluate the testator's mental condition.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Teresa Gordon, Klinika Psychiatrii Sądowej IPiN,
ul. Partyzantów 2/4, 05-802 Pruszków