2000 suplement 1


Volume 9, suplement 1

On the cover

Psychological assessment of mental disorders in the elderly according to the Lithuanian civil code

1. Litewskiej Państwowej Służby Psychiatrii i Narkologii Sądowejprzy Ministerstwie Ochrony Zdrowia w Wilnie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2000, 9, suplement 1(9), 85-87
Keywords: Lithuania, expert psychologists in civillawsuits


The authors explain the position of the expert psychologist in civil legal proceedings.They focus on assessment of the elderly. Theypresent the most frequently used methods and analysethe shortcomings of psychological methodology.Psychological assessment is an auxiliary deviceand hence the substantial reasons for appointing anex pert psychologist in testamentary cases have notbeen clearly articulated.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Audrone Glinskiene, National Service oj Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology
in Lithuania, Kijelaviciaus 121, 2048 Vilnius