2001 issue 4


Volume 10, issue 4

Original article

Evaluation of implementation of the Mental Health Act provisions concerning physical restraint

Stanisław Dąbrowski1
1. Zakład Organizacji Ochrony Zdrowia Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2001, 10, 375-382
Keywords: physical restraint


An analysis of 959 reports on physical restraint episodes that occurred in mental hospitals within 6 months was carried out. The results indicate that physical restraint in the form of immobilization using strait-jackets and belts was applied in 209 cases (i.e. ta 12.4% of treated patients). Among behaviours justifying the use of physical restraint aggression against others, self-aggression, violent destroying of property and motor agitation prevailed aver mostly therapeutic reasons, troublesome behaviours, escapes, and other. Out of 959 episodes: 54.2% were in accordance with the statutory regulations, 33.7% – in formal accordance, but tacking sufficient justification, 3.8% – contrary to the regulations, 4.1% – doubtful, while 4.2% – on the patient's awn request. Legitimacy of physical restraint was found to be accepted mechanically by the doctor ordering the use of physical restraint and by director of the hospital.

Address for correspondence:
Prof Stanisław Dąbrowski,
Zakład Organizacji Ochrony Zdrowia Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii,
Al. Sobieskiego 9,
02-957 Warszawa