2002 suplement 1


Volume 11, suplement 1

Problemy terapeutyczne

Close to alcohol – far away from the near ones. A family therapy case study

1. Zakładu Terapii Rodzin Katedry Psychiatrii Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2002, 11, suplement 1 (14), 89-93
Keywords: marital therapy, alcohol dependence, case report


In the reported process of marital therapy alcohol dependence was found to be a symptom "wandering" from generation to generation and fulfilling certain functions. The authors emphasize the role of transgenerational transmission of alcohol abuse as a pattern of coping with personality problems and developmental crises occurring in the family life cycle.

Address for correspondence:
Mgr Bartłomiej Walczyński, Zakład Terapii Rodzin Katedry Psychiatrii Collegium Medicum
Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego,
ul. Kopernika 21 A,
31-501 Kraków