2002 suplement 3


Volume 11, suplement 3

Review article

Stress in pathogenesis of mental disorders

Jerzy Landowski1
1. I Kliniki Chorób Psychicznych Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku
Postępy Psychiatrii Neurologii, 2002, 11, suplement 3 (16), 7-17
Keywords: child abuse stress, psychobiology, pathogenesis


The author presents basic concepts and knowledge concerning psychobiological mechanisms of stress involved in the pathogenesis of mental disorders, including the role of the hypothalamic – hypophyseal-adrenal axis, as well as of the dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. Moreover, the notion of eustress and distress is introduced and a model of "predisposition – stress" is proposed as a general psychobiological model underlying the pathogenesis of mental disorders. (Ed.)

Address for correspondence:
Prof. Jerzy Landowski, I Klinika Chorób Psychicznych Akademii Medycznej, id. Dębinki 7, 80-211 Gdańsk