Volume 14, suplement 1
Case report
Diagnostic difficulties in three young female patients with prodromal schizophrenic symptoms
Piotr W. Gorczyca1, Robert Pudlo1, Robert T. Hese1
1. Katedry i Oddziału Klinicznego Psychiatrii Wydziału Lekarskiego w Zabrzu Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2005; 14 (supl. 1/20): 56-106
Keywords: schizophrenia, prognosis
Objective. Diagnostic difficulties in the case ofpatients with symptoms typical of schizophrenia are presented.
Case. In three young female patients with schizophrenic symptoms described in the paper an almost complete remission was attained after various periods of time.
Commentary. In persons with schizophrenic symptoms it may be difficult to establish a definite diagnosis.
Address for correspondence:
Dr Piotr Gorczyca, ul. Grottgera 20/6, 44-100 Gliwice, e-mail: gorasp@juni.gliwice.pl