2006 issue 1


Volume 15, issue 1

Review article

Treatment of postherpetic neuralgia

1. Kliniki Neurochirurgii Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku
2. Oddziału II Neurologii Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego w Białymstoku
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2006; 15 (1): 45-41
Keywords: herpes zoster, postherpetic neuralgia, chronic pain, pharmacotherapy, behavioural therapy


Objectives. The aim of this paper is to discuss therapeutic interventions for the management of neuralgia following herpes zoster

Review. Pain syndrome is a common complication following herpes zoster infection, especially in the elderly, as the virus causes damage to both peripheral and central sensory axons. Attempts at the prevention of this type of neuralgia do not give the expected results. Hence, on the basis of the literature on this subject and their clinical experience, the authors present different therapeutic interventions covering pharmacological treatment and other clinical procedures, supported by behaviour therapy. In discussing the various options, they examine the efficacy of different treatments, their availability and the occurrence of undesirable side-effects. The authors consider anti-depressant and anti-epileptic medication, local and general anaesthetics and the use of opioids.

Conclusion. They conclude that only a systematic and multi-faceted approach to treatment is likely to be successful in managing pain following herpes zoster infections.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Jan Kochanowicz, Klinika Neurochirurgii Akademii Medycznej, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 24a, 15-276Białystok, tel. (85) 7468221, fax: (85) 7455922, e-mail: kochanowicz@vp.pl