Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate reliability of the Polish adaptation of the MINI-Kid (Mini-International Neuropsychia-tric Interview for Kids) for psychiatric assessment of children and adolescents.
Methods. 34 adolescents (12 boys and 22 girls aged 11-17 years), patients of the Day Psychiatric Centre for Children and Adolescents and of the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents in Wrocław, were examined using the MINI-Kid questionnaire twice, at the interval of30-33 days. They all were examined by the same specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry, who was not their doctor in charge. The test-retest reliability was assessed using the kappa concordance coefficient.
Results. The kappa coefficient of concordance for all anxiety disorders jointly was 0.72, for the oppositional defiant disorder 0.68, adaptation disorders 1.0, ADHD 0.71, and for conduct disorder 0.80.
Conclusions. The concordance coefficients obtained for the MINI-Kid questionnaire are in the range of these reported for similar diagnostic instruments, including the questionnaire MINI for adults.