Objective. On the grounds of the literature an analysis was performed ofpersonality and family traits that might significantly contribute to the patient's internet addiction.
Case. A 16-year-old patient diagnosed with adjustment disorder, was admitted for his second hospitalization after another suicidal attempt. An analysis of his psychological test performance revealed that he was addicted to internet. The patient's developing personality traits are described, as well as his self-image, mechanisms of coping with stress, type ofpreferred aggressive behaviours, and relationship between his personality factors and internet addiction. Also parental attitudes, the parents' image as perceived by the patient, and relations between family members were analyzed.
Commentary. It was concluded that this mode of communication is ofparticular importance in view of the patient's difficulties in the real world. It served not only as his way of coping with problems, stress, and emotions, but also as a way of his emotional needs gratification. Next conclusion can be drawn that the patient's addiction to internet is related to his familial situation and attitudes of his parents. His "internet activity " is a response to the family situation and a way ofgratifying his emotional and social needs that are for him so difficult to satisfy in the real world.