2007 suplement 1


Volume 16, suplement 1

Case report

Validity of civil law contracts signed by people with organic psychiatric disorders

Robert Pudlo1, Aneta Podsiadły-Bugaj2, Małgorzata Pudlo3, Jerzy Matysiakiewicz1, Monika Kajda2
1. Katedra Psychiatrii Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej w Tarnowskich Górach
2. Sąd Rejonowy w Sosnowcu
3. I Oddział Psychiatryczny Szpitala Centrum Psychiatrii w Katowicach
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2007; 16, suplement 1 (21): 81-83
Keywords: bank loan, legal capacity, dementia, case report


Objective. The paper illustrates the problem of taking advantage ofpeople with mental disorders by financial institutions and/or other persons.

Case. In the reported case a female patient despite her severe dementia was given several bank loans in various banks. The patient is not aware of her bank loans and has not used them, but all the time pays her debt in installments.

Commentary. In accordance with the legal provisions currently in force transactions made by the patient and similar individuals are legal and binding, unless on each occasion their legal incapacity is proven. Therefore, the only way ofprotecting such persons is to frequently and precisely document their mental status.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Robert Pudlo
Katedra Psychiatrii Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej
ul. Pyskowicka 49, 42-612 Tarnowskie Góry