2008 issue 1


Volume 17, issue 1

Practical hints

Psychologist as a freelance professional

Monika Talarowska-Bogusz1, Antoni Florkowski1, Agata Orzechowska1, Marta Strombek-Milczarek1, Piotr Gałecki1, Krzysztof Zboralski1
1. Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2008; 17 (1): 65-69
Keywords: psychologist, freelance profession


Objectives. The paper is aimed at presenting the psychologists' job characteristics that would justify inclusion of this group among the so-called freelance professions.
Discussion. The history of scientific psychology in Poland goes back to over a century. Regulations concerning the psychological profession were not taken under consideration by successive legislative authorities almost throughout the 1900s. The present situation seems interesting for some reasons. Firstly, a new corporation has emerged that is to represent the interests of a quite dynamic professional group. Moreover, the number of „young" psychologists increases every year, while in the Polish society facing the new challenges of transformation there is a growing tendency to seek psychological help.
Conclusions. The Act on the Psychological Profession and Professional Self-Government of Psychologists of June 8th 2001 has been in force since January 1st 2006. It should be remembered though that this implies not only rights but also numerous duties for those pursuing the profession of psychology.

Address for correspondence:
Mgr Monika Talarowska-Bogusz
Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
ul. Aleksandrowska 159, Pawilon XIB, 91-229 Łódź
tel.: 042 6521289
tel/fax: 042 640 50 58
e-mail: talarowskamonika@wp.pl