2010 issue 1


Volume 19, issue 1

Original article

Quality of life in patients with schizophrenia – 7 to 12 years after their first hospitalization

Andrzej Cechnicki1, Miquel Valdez2, Łukasz Cichocki1, Aneta Kalisz3, Hubert Kaszyński3
1. Pracownia Psychiatrii Środowiskowej Katedry Psychiatrii Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
2. Departamento de Psiquiatria Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Meksyk
3. Oddział Dzienny Kliniki Psychiatrii Dorosłych Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2010; 19(1): 25–30
Keywords: quality of life, schizophrenia, prospective study


Objectives. Relatively little research has been done on the quality of life (QoL) of community-living people diagnosed with schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to assess changes in the quality of life in a group of patients with a relatively long duration of the illness, receiving systematic outpatient care.
Methods. Participants were 64 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia by the DSM-IV criteria and treated for many years under a special outpatient care program in Cracow. Subjective and objective indicators of their QoL measured at seven (K7) and twelve (K12) years after their first hospitalization using a Polish adaptation of the Lehman Quality of Life Interview were compared.
Results. Subjective QoL indicators turned out to be relatively stable over the period under study – a significant change (improvement) was found only as regards self-estimated social relations (p<0,01). At the same time a decrease was noted in objective QoL indicators in the following spheres: social relations (p=0,01), financial situation (p=0,01), health (p=0,01), and religion (p=0,01).
Conclusions. In persons suffering from schizophrenia an increase in subjective satisfaction with extrafamilial relationships was noted in the period between 7 and 12 years from their first hospitalization, with a simultaneous decrease in objective QoL indicators in this sphere, as well as in these regarding their financial situation, health and religion.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Andrzej Cechnicki
Pracownia Psychiatrii Społecznej CM UJ
Pl. Sikorskiego 2/8, 31-115 Kraków
tel. (12) 421 51 17
e-mail: mzcechnicki@cyf-kr@edu.pl