2011 issue 1


Volume 20, issue 1

Review article

Stroke in patients with chronic kidney disease

Piotr Sobolewski1
1. Sandomierski Ośrodek Neurologii z Oddziałem Neurologii i Oddziałem Udarowym, Sandomierz
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2011; 20(1): 33–44
Keywords: stroke, chronic kidney disease, correlation


Objectives. The aim of the study was to report and discuss intercorrelations between stroke risk factors and chronic kidney disease (CKD), cardiovascular complications in dialyzed patients, and the problem of post-contrast nephropathy.
Review. The following risk factors common for ischemic stroke and CKD were reported: the patients' advanced age, Afro-American race, male sex, hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and smoking, while the common risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke and CKD included: advanced age, Afro-American race, hypertension, diabetes, amyloid angiopathy, and smoking.
Conclusion. A thorough analysis of all factors and problems associated with cerebrovascular diseases and CKD allows to choose appropriate diagnostic methods and treatment approaches in this group of patients.

Address for correspondence:
Piotr Sobolewski, ul. Mickiewicza 12, 27‒600 Sandomierz,
e-mail: piotrsobolewski@poczta.onet.pl, tel. 608510991