1994 issue 4


Volume 3, issue 4


Panic attacks and panic disorder as related to other anxiety disorders in children and adolescentsPanic attacks and panic disorder as related to other anxiety disorders in children and adolescents

Jolanta Rabe-Jabłońska1
1. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Katedry Psychiatrii Akademii Medycznej w Łodzi
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1994, 3, 401-407
Keywords: children, adolescents, panic attacks, panic disorder, anxiety disorder


The aim of this study was to look for relationships between panic attacks, panic disorder and other anxiety disorders (according to DSM-IV criteria) in 60 persons (30 children aged 5-14, and 30 adolescents aged 15-18). The subjects and their mothers or carers were examined with a structured interview based on DSM-IV criteria for diagnosing panic attacks and panic disorder. Medical and especially psychiatric records of Ss were analyzed for causes of panic attacks and panic disorder. All the Ss underwent physical and neurological examination, and – in some eases – also additionally a laboratory cheek-up or CT of the brain. 45% of Ss, especially those with general anxiety disorder at present, were found to have suffered from panic attacks and panic disorder in the past. 18.3% of the Ss had suffered from panic disorder, while panic attacks (usually situationally determined or preceded by hyperventilation) had occurred in 26,7% of them. The relationship between panic disorder in the past and current general anxiety disorder seems to be an interesting finding requiring further study.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Jolanta Rabe-Jabłońska,
II Klinika Psychiatryczna AM,
ul. Czechosłowacka 8110,
92-218 Łódź