2000 suplement 1


Volume 9, suplement 1

On the cover

The specific nature of the forensic psychiatric expert opinion in the Lithuanian civil proceedings code

1. Litewskiej Państwowej Służby Psychiatrii i Narkologii SądowejMinisterstwa Ochrony Zdrowia w Wilnie
Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2000, 9, suplement 1 (9). 33-36
Keywords: : civillaw, legal capacity


In the Lithuanian civil code the individual's legal capacity or incapacity is assessedin the following situations: full civil legal capacity,limited civil legal capacity, capacity to participatein lawsuit proceedings, temporary legal incapacity,exceptional legal incapacity (capacity) and age-determined legal incapacity. The number of forensicpsychiatric examinations in Lithuania is increasing,mainly in civil testamentary lawsuits –from 143 in 1989 to 306 in 1997. One of thereasons for this increase is the introduction of newlegal regulations, e.g., with respect to the right toprivate ownership.

Address for correspondence:
Dr Konstantinas DaskeviCius, National Service oj Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology
in Lithuania, Kijelaviciaus 121, 2048 Vilnius